
  • ELISA Assays:

    Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISAs) are widely used laboratory techniques designed to detect and quantify specific proteins, antibodies, antigens, or hormones in a sample. The method relies on antibodies to capture and then detect the target molecule, making it a powerful tool in various fields such as diagnostics, research, and quality control.

  • Cell Culture / Media changing:

    Cell culture media changing is a critical process in maintaining healthy and proliferating cell cultures in the laboratory. The media provides essential nutrients, growth factors, and an appropriate environment for cells to grow and function. Regularly changing the media ensures that cells are not exposed to depleted nutrients or accumulated waste products, which can adversely affect cell health and experimental outcomes.

  • PCR Prep:

    Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a widely used molecular biology technique for amplifying specific DNA sequences. Proper preparation for PCR is crucial to ensure successful amplification and reliable results.

  • PCR Cleanup:

    Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) cleanup is an essential step to remove unwanted components, such as primers, nucleotides, enzymes, and salts, from the PCR product. This purification process ensures that the amplified DNA is pure and ready for downstream applications, such as cloning, sequencing, or further amplification.

  • Plate to plate transfers:

    Plate-to-plate transfers in the lab involve moving samples from one plate to another. This process is essential for subculturing, isolating specific samples, or transferring samples for further analysis.


    CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) is a powerful and versatile genome editing tool used in molecular biology laboratories for precise modification of DNA. The CRISPR-Cas9 system, derived from bacterial immune mechanisms, enables targeted gene editing with high specificity.