Precision You Can Trust, Productivity You Can Count On

Precision Series Benchtop Pipettor
Introducing the Precision Series Pipettor, previously known as the “Sorenson Benchtop Pipettor.” With over a decade of proven reliability with industry giants, Sequence Biotech is proud to offer this renowned instrument as our flagship product, continuing its legacy of excellence. With use of the trusted OneTouch™ tips.
Plus - LTS™ 300/200/20
The Sequence Biotech Plus-LTS™ combines the trusted precision of Sequence with the convenience of LTS™ pipette tips. Designed for effortless tip pickup, this pipettor is set to revolutionize your lab’s operations. The price point is under $11,000. The Sequence Biotech Plus - LTS™ is an excellent investment for maximizing your budget.
384 EZ-Tray
Populate 384 well plates with a 96 channel pipettor using this “Easy Tray” adaptor. It is accurate, intuitive and easy to use, a knob rotates four times to align all wells of a 384 plate under the 96 channel pipette tips.